Educational Software Can Be Used Very Early In The Education Of Children - Education For Kids Preschool


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Friday, June 16, 2017

Educational Software Can Be Used Very Early In The Education Of Children

Educational Software Can Be Used Very Early In The Education Of Children, Information and communication technologies play an increasingly important role in society, in the sense that all areas and professions make use of digital resources. The school can not be brushed off this reality, aim to
Educational Software Can Be Used Very Early In The Education Of Children
create full subjects and integrated in society today. Educational software can be used very early in the education of children, but they must be carefully and monitoring. This article aims to present the results of the use of educational software in English to the awareness of context with children of pre-school education in kindergarten, nursery center Redemptorist Fathers - The smallest fox in White Castle, a 21 group children under 5 years. Early awareness of foreign language such as English can be started with digital multimedia capabilities and various software available on the market. However, the small study described the case reveals some resistance from parents and educators, in the preparation of these to choose and monitor the use of ICT by children, in addition to also highlight the self-interest of the children involved and their learning a few words in English language in different contexts of daily worked. The study opens perspectives on close monitoring needs of such uses and training of educators in the field of use of resources multilingual awareness in pre-school education.
Educational Software Can Be Used Very Early In The Education Of Children
EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE Currently, there is no single concept of educational software, there are several concepts and definitions that arise. What gives, the English term 'software' an educational character is its application in the teaching-learning process [2]. In turn, [3] indicates that the concept of 'educational software' is “(…) todos los programas de uso general en el mundo empresarial (…) como por ejemplo: procesadores de textos, hojas de cálculo (…) Estos programas, aunque puedan desarrollar una función didáctica, no han estado elaborados específicamente con esta finalidade”.  Although you can find many definitions of what is an educational software, all of which are centered on a perspective which states that, in the opinion of [4], the educational are “(…) programas informáticos concebidos para a finalidade (específica) de serem utilizados como meio didático de forma a facilitarem o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem.” Still on the same subject, [5] is of the opinion that they should have four basic characteristics in order to be able to motivate children, namely: “(…) ser desafiante[s], estimular a curiosidade, apelar à fantasia e permitir um elevado nível de controlo por parte das crianças”. 

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