Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education - Education For Kids Preschool


Kids Educational Apps and Games. Children Learning Apps and Games.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education, ‘Sunshine’ he "Sunshine" is an educational software in order to enhance learning at the level of English, since this is not the native language of its users. This software is available on CD- ROM and provides access to songs, stories and activities related to different themes (geometric shapes, animals and even a brief approach to the Solar System. This software is adapted to the age of the children present in this study, allowing explore various contents present in the Curriculum Guidelines in Preschool Education.

Being one of the present study   Taking into account the software types defined by [4], the "Sunshine" is part of the category "training / practice," the acquisition of skills by performing tasks and overcoming aims, awareness of the use of a foreign language (English), this software establishes a direct relationship with them. By using this software, it was also possible to give children the acquisition of certain skills in ICT (manipulate the computer mouse; develop skills in moving the screen, navigation between different screens, selection of activities and tools).
difficulties respecting the learning pace of each child. Figure 1 shows the corresponding home to the software Main Menu 'Sunshine':  

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education
For its part, Figure 2 shows the 'Activities' menu, where you can observe the proposed activities offered by the software 'Sunshine':

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education
Educational Software ‘AlphaEU’ The Educational Software 'AlphaEU' belongs to a project with a joint initiative of some countries in Europe, in which Portugal is represented. This is an online software, the site "". For this reason, this software is easy to access and access is free of charge for Educators, Teachers and Parents. When accessing the site "" is allowed access to a set of menus that lead to a set of tasks and useful information.

The menus that may be of interest to children are the following: "alphabet books' and 'activities'. The remaining already be for use in adults, and some tips using these alphabets and useful design information.  With respect to software types presented in [4], this is also included in the category of "training / practice", since it allows performing jobs following the Paced each, and train skills and enhancing learning the level of different languages. Figure 3 allows us to observe the contents concerning the software Main Menu 'AlphaEU':  

Figure 4 shows the "Books Alphabet 'and their languages:

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education
DESCRIPTION AND STUDY METHODOLOGY This study is based on qualitative research, which has resulted in a mixed approach, combining case study and action research. In this regard, [6] states the following: “As diferentes fases do processo de investigação qualitativa não se desencadeiam de forma linear mas interactivamente (…)”.  Once through action-research it was possible to interact with the study subjects, promoting a change in the behavior of the same, reflecting and improving every implementation meeting the needs that were feeling. 

The instruments used in data collection were: semi- structured interviews, questionnaire surveys, participant observation and field notes. All collected data were submitted to a data triangulation process, which included the opinions gathered from Childhood Educators of the institution, children and respective Guardians, allowing draw conclusions about the study. In this sense, [7] defines triangulation of data as "(...) the validity procedure where Researchers search for convergence Among multiple and different sources of information to form themes or categories in the study." Nevertheless, [9] is of the opinion that the triangulation of data "(...) strengthens the study by combining methods". A.) strengthens the study by combining methods". A.

Research question and objetives The research question that guided this study was: "Is the use of a digital multimedia resource can sensitize children, the level of pre-school education for the use of a foreign language?". The aim was to obtain data observed by using field notes what impact the use of a digital multimedia resource for awareness of a foreign language, in this case, English. To this end, it has set a research plan, which  included methodologies and research tools appropriate for achieving the objectives necessary to implement this study, namely:

1) Promote the use of computer and multimedia digital resources in Preschool Education.. 2) Propose and create conditions for a more systematic use of digital resources in Preschool Education for Educator and children. 3) Develop activities with the use of digital resources in English. 4) Establishing that the use of digital resources can sensitize children to a foreign language – English. B. Sessions of the implementation of the study The implementation of this study was done in seven sessions, each of which had its theme set.

In these sessions we used the educational software "Sunshine" and "AlphaEU", always trying that there was a balance between both. The "Sunshine" was the first software to be used, having started with listening to a music related to the topic of the week 'Easter'. In this first session the children were shown surprises with the sounds heard in the music, but managed to understand the history conveyed in the music and a few words by repetition. Figure 5 illustrates one of the activities with the children:

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education
The following three sessions were dedicated to "AlphaEU." Through use of this feature is to validate the importance of diversity in the definition of objectives for the use of different resources. Children need to understand the reason for using that resource, to conduct that activity.
Allowed also understand the need to be a child playing on the computer, to be her own to discover and build knowledge. Initially, it was the educator that was pressing the local children showed, however, they began to lose interest.

When were randomly chosen some children themselves to explore the software, they were motivated much more and showed more interest in the activity that was being performed. Figure 6 allows us to observe the operation of an activity related to the software 'AlphaEU':  

Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education
    The remaining three sessions were devoted to the educational software "Sunshine." The first two were devoted to a free exploitation of children to use, so that they could know the best, since the unavailability of resources, not all children could have the same exploration opportunities resource. The last session was devoted to the story of a story in the English language and use of digital multimedia feature. In this last session, the children were very autonomous in decoding the message of the story heard, they have used some familiar words and have managed to find others who knew the discourse of history.

Here are some examples collected from children: “Ah! Eu conheço aquela palavra! É bye bye, quer dizer adeus.” (F); “Eu ouvi frog!” (S); “Estás a ver, o bird está ali em cima da árvore?” (N). To this end, Figure 7 allows to observe an activity carried out within the framework (Figure 7):
Educational Software In English To The Awareness In A Preschool Education

At the end of the implementation of the sessions was intended to achieve the proposed goals and already described, causing a change in the behavior of subjects, ie lead to ICT started to be most used in day-to-day as a learning resource. As stated by [8]: “É usando as tecnologias que o professor ensinará a trabalhar com elas. (…) As TIC são um instrumento ao serviço do professor, que assim poderá melhor explicar e problematizar a matéria que ensina”.

Today, in our society, as stated [9] almost all tasks are dependent on ICT, can not be expected that children can grow up without knowing these resources. It is essential that the educator / teacher to adapt and support the children to join in society as full individuals, essential that they master new technologies.
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