Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children - Education For Kids Preschool


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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children

Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children with the emergence and subsequent technological advance of the designated Information and Communication Technologies, today's society has undergone an obvious change in all areas, which led to a change in behaviors and routines of citizens,
Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children
which extend naturally to educational environments, inside and outside the school. The use of multimedia digital resources to educate children, the level of pre-school education for the use of a foreign language, while contextualize ICT as an interactive learning environment was achieved during the PES, not without many constraints as the lack of technological equipment or internet access, or the resistance of some parents who think to be an excessive use of technological resources. The study made it clear that the educational software used will meet the interests and needs of children of these ages. It was not always easy to use the computer and digital resources in the room held the PES, although the two do not constitute uados software routines in the institution. 

The kindergarten teachers of the institution got to know the resource "AlphaEU" and proved willing to use such resources to their children, the positive results, not only in the context of sensitization to the English, but in other areas of Education Preschool. Both Childhood Educators of the institution as the Guardian, were open to the use of computer and multimedia digital resources in pre-school education, since safeguarded some risks, such as: a good integration of digital resources with other resources ; moderate utilization is monitored thereof; knowledge of educational software quality and therefore careful choice of software to use. The Childhood Educators of the institution during the interviews revealed to have some educational software on computers that use with children, although these are not always met adapted to the age group of children, leading to a lack of motivation and lack of interest. However,
Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children
the "Sunshine" and the "AlphaEU" opened new 'ports' in this way, promoting their use and to a change of views in relation to other educational software. If a few years ago the cost of acquiring educational software were significant, nowadays it is possible to find software quality and for free on the internet. Given this feature, this demand is already carried out either by Educationalists of Childhood or the Guardian, which increasingly show available to adapt to this evolution of society by promoting the access of their children to ICT.

The necessary planning for the use of digital resources, the availability of computers in sufficient numbers with internet access proved to be a major concern for the respondents, since it is not possible to give the same opportunities to all children, with poor structuring physical conditions of the room. By analyzing the collected data, it can be concluded that the use of digital resources can indeed teach children to a foreign language - English. The experiment conducted, although bounded in time and space, identifies the forms of relationship of children with words and concepts in a foreign language. The children used the words learned by rote and understood some of their meanings, which used well in other contexts.

The truth is that in multilingual environments that characterize contemporary societies, access to a global language of communication in the digital sphere, as is English, is a competence of Digital Natives, as the knowledge of technological code has proven so important as language learning. Each well-used resource in education is a "treasure" that must be preserved. The use of ICT should be a measured and planned valence so that it can achieve positive results in this use. Do not hide the important role that Childhood Educator has in mediating technology to children. ICT will always be a valuable addition and a feature that can improve the quality of education of children. The Childhood Educator will have the responsibility of being the mediator between available resources and children, being important to remove the best possible experience of this interaction.
Multimedia Digital Resources To Educate Children     ICT should not only be used in school with the concept of 'education'; They can and should be used at home with the support of the Guardian, in order to enhance learning achieved in school and, perhaps, to realize new learning in a more innovative environment and in line with the profile of Digital Natives.

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